Monday, January 10, 2011

Butter Toffee

16 ounces, weight Butter, Melted
16 ounces, weight Granulated Sugar
3 ounces, fluid Water
1 teaspoon Salt
1 teaspoon Vanilla Extract
16 ounces, weight Chopped Topping: Toasted Nuts, Candy Canes, Sea Salt, Etc.
24 ounces, weight Tempered Dark Chocolate For Coating, Melted
Preparation Instructions
  • *Necessary Equipment: Candy Thermometer*
  • Combine butter, sugar, water, and salt in a saucepan. Bring to a boil, stirring constantly.
  • Cook over moderate heat, stirring gently, until candy thermometer registers 298 degrees.
  • Remove from heat and stir in vanilla until well combined.
  • Pour the mixture onto a silicone baking mat or good parchment paper. Use a heatproof rubber spatula or offset spatula to spread quickly before the toffee sets. Spread thin.
  • Allow toffee to cool completely. Blot to remove excess oil from the surface. Coat surface with half of the melted chocolate and immediately sprinkle with topping.
  • When chocolate has totally set, carefully flip over (it’s okay if it falls apart a bit) and coat other side with the rest of the chocolate. Sprinkle on topping.
  • Allow to set, then break into bite-size pieces.
  • Store in an airtight container.
NOTES: I made a 1/2 batch and thought it would spread out on one pan. I thought it was too thick; certainly thicker than what is described in the original post from Pioneer Woman.
It worked well to spread it on parchment.
Chocolate on both sides was delicious! I sprinkled some sea salt on one side.

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